If you're a falsie lover, like myself, you're going to like this.
Huda Kattan, known for her cosmetic line, Huda Beauty, is well-known among the beauty world. She is a sensation, an entrepreneur, a makeup artist, and so much more. This woman is a genius.
Quick side story, I started wearing false eyelashes a little over a year ago. I did not know how to properly apply falsie on before... the lashes would be too long for my eyes because I didn't know how to cut them. I remember buying Ardell lashes at Rite Aid and those stiff falsies at the Korean beauty store, and those lashes were not the most comfortable lashes to wear. Fast forward to present day 2017, I am currently obsessed with these lashes:
H U D A B E A U T Y . L A S H E S
#7 . S A M A N T H A
When I said I am obsessed, I am literally obsessed to the point where I have to make sure I have more than 2 to back me up so now I have 5 all together.
PACKAGING: A Simple black and white packaging. On the front of the box, you have an image of Huda wearing the lashes on herself. And that's really smart because you get a visual idea on how it looks like and you're able to decide on the spot instead of googling about it later.
Like many people, I lack a lot in the lashes department so these lashes are perfect for my eyes. They do give off this dramatic vibe but at the same time, they don't make my eyes look too overwhelming. Instead, it adds a nice "pop" into any eye makeup. I love the fact that I can go flirty, seductive, or natural with these lashes. and I have heard other people said these lashes ripped very easily for em', but I personally have never had that issue. Definitely comfortable and I was able to get 15-17 wear out of each lashes. I do clean them once a week by dipping a q-tip into my eye makeup remover and clean the bands of the lashes.
I do wear these almost every single day and in all of my pictures! Do they feel heavy on my eyes? Nope, not a single bit at all. Hudabeauty's lashes aren't that cheap but the quality makes the purchase so worth it.
I'm going to try her other lashes when I get the chance to. Unfortunately, Sephora only carry a few of her lashes. I really hope Sephora will carry her whole entire line soon because I'm tired of purchasing $75 each time for free shipping. I believe she has a total of 23 lashes on her website.
There's one thing about HudaBeauty lashes that I do not like--- and that's the inconsistent appearance of her lashes. Basically, I will go and pick up a pair of Samantha lashes, fall in love with em', and switch to a new one about 2-3 weeks later. Then, this new pair of Samantha lashes will look different from my previous one--- because the new pair would be darker/light or much more curled than my previous pair. I have discussed this with my coworkers and they all agreed with me on this.
I don't know why but nevertheless, I still love Samantha #7.
Would I recommend this to a friend? Yes.
Price: $20
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