May 29, 2017

Huda Beauty | Samantha Lashes #7

If you're a falsie lover, like myself, you're going to like this. 
Huda Kattan, known for her cosmetic line, Huda Beauty, is well-known among the beauty world. She is a sensation, an entrepreneur, a makeup artist, and so much more. This woman is a genius.
Quick side story, I started wearing false eyelashes a little over a year ago. I did not know how to properly apply falsie on before... the lashes would be too long for my eyes because I didn't know how to cut them. I remember buying Ardell lashes at Rite Aid and those stiff falsies at the Korean beauty store, and those lashes were not the most comfortable lashes to wear. Fast forward to present day 2017, I am currently obsessed with these lashes: 
H U D A B E A U T Y . L A S H E S 
#7 . S A M A N T H A 



I have a lippie commitment issue because whenever I walk into a beauty store, I would see a bunch of different lip brands and this would be the conversation I have in my head: "do I already have this shade? Like, this. exact. shade. It looks similar but this one is a little bit darker and have more red undertone than the one I have at home--- it also has way cuter packaging. So I definitely need this. Sold.
The other day was Sephora Collection, today, the spotlight is on: 
N U D E S T I X . L I P P I E

Below are 7 lippie which consists of (2) "Nudestix Lip + Cheek Pencil", (2) "Nudestix Intense Matte Lip + Cheek Pencil", and (3) "Nudestix Magnetic Matte Lip color".  

May 25, 2017

Sephora Collection | Cream Lip Stain

Ever since the two terms "matte" and "lip"conquered the beauty world, every single brands out there has somehow formulated their own kind of matte lipstick, matte lip stain, matte lip tint, m a t t e. 
I love matte lipstick but the problem is that I am so picky with finding the right kind of matte lipstick, and I know you know exactly what I'm talking about. 
The "perfect" matte lip product has to be hydrating, pigmented, and long-lasting.  

So for today's post, I want to share with you : 
S e p h o r a . C o l l e c t i o n . C r e a m . L i p S t a i n .
Some people may not be aware of this but Sephora has their own brand which is called "Sephora Collection". The other brands that are sold at Sephora are simply... sold at Sephora.

May 22, 2017

Guerlain | Terracotta Sun Trio Bronzing Contour Palette

First off, I just want to quickly say thank you to the lovely and talented, Jeanne, for gifting me this. You're the bomb (dot) com! 

Looking back at my previous posts, I've mostly reviewed Skincare products... so for today, I've decided to post my review and swatches on the:
Guerlain: Terracotta Sun Trio Bronzing Contour Palette
Can we somehow shorten the name? 
About 2-3 months ago, Guerlain launched its new bronzing and contouring powder palette. Just in time for the Summer 2017 season!

If you're wondering, it's very similar to its sister's product: 4 Seasons Palette. The main difference is that 4 Seasons includes a blush shade, this one does not. This palette is available in three shades (light, natural, and deep). Also, it has been confirmed that this palette is not a limited edition product. I am not sure why other bloggers listed it as one... but here's a clarification to any confusion you may have. 

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